
Seeing Through the Fog of ‘Chemo-Brain’

Two weeks ago, Diem Brown, contestant of the Real World/Road Rules Challenge, shared on her blog her frustration with her chemo-brain, after having received chemotherapy over the Thanksgiving holiday for recently diagnosed ovarian cancer.

She writes, “Stressed out, overwhelmed and soooo annoyed that your mind isn’t working as it should. This, my friends, is an example of chemo brain!”

Unfortunately, as a surgeon, I have witnessed too many patients get the diagnosis of cancer. If they can transcend the initial shock, there is a desperation to understand what their lives will be like as cancer patients, and what the odds are that they will be cancer survivors.

But for many women, their fear of death is as strong as their fear of chemotherapy, the poison that along with hope, is inseparable from the Hollywood images of the sick, nauseated, thin and bald.

Diem refers to “chemo-brain”, also known as “chemo-fog”, a side effect of chemotherapy that causes problems with memory, information processing, and mood –- effects that can persistent for as many as 20 years after treatment has subsided.

Mental dullness or fatigue and an inability to focus characterized by difficulty organizing thoughts and keeping memories has also been described by patients who suffer from chemotherapy induced cognitive dysfunction.

For years, chemo-brain went largely unrecognized by health care professionals, and those who suffered from it were left without answers to their confusion.

Recently, through the Internet, web chatting and blogging, many women who suffered from chemo-brain realized they were not alone, and over the last few years, several studies have been done giving credit to the condition. But, as they say, you have to see it to believe it.

And now we can see it. In the process of presenting my own research discussing the use of imaging in breast cancer patients at this week’s San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, I stumbled across a presentation discussing how scientists are trying to clear the chemo-fog by imaging the brain.

Dr. Bernadine Cimprich from the University of Michigan, along with a group of scientists from the University of Washington and University of Toronto took the stage in San Antonio Friday to shed some light through the fog, and offer a strategy at prevention.

Since chemo-brain doesn’t affect all cancer patients to the same degree, they asked the question, are some patients who receive chemotherapy predisposed to developing the disease?

Chemo-brain has been studied before, but has been difficult to characterize because so many different types of drugs and regimens are used, and for the most part patient’s memory and cognition are not studied prior to starting cancer therapy.

To help shed some light on the subject, these researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI – a technology that uses magnets to image the brain as it works.

By taking pictures of the brain before and after chemotherapy, they found that patients who suffered from this condition had inherently different function from those who did not before they had even received treatment.

“Brain imaging before treatment showed reduced function in frontal [brain] regions” says Dr. Cimprich, the precise regions that are needed to perform working memory and guide our day-to-day activities, such as remembering the shopping list, our finding our way home.

Identifying patients who may be predisposed to developing chemo-brain can help oncologists alter treatment strategies in efforts to reduce or eliminate the fog.

Who are the patients at highest risk? Dr. Cimprich’s team used surveys to evaluate pre-treatment cognitive function and found that fatigue is a major factor. He suggests that “early interventions targeting fatigue may improve cognitive function and reduce the distress of chemo-brain”.

While the small study involved 98 patients, only 29 of which received chemotherapy, it still lays ground to understand the true nature of chemo-brain, and as Dr. Cimprich emphasizes, identifying the problem early is crucial, because early cognitive problems can become worse over time.

In her blog, Diem suggests making lists as a way to overcome her chemo-brain. And while we all know that stressful times can side track our minds and dull our spirits, until science can give us better answers, research suggests that a deep breath and a little yoga may help do the job of lifting the fog on chemo-brain.

Dr. Christopher Tokin is a surgical resident at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and a resident alumnus of the ABC News Medical Unit.

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